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I have a problem (that is currently being addressed as an enhancement to BP) that I need to work around ASAP.  The problem is that when someone opens one of our InfoPath forms and the InfoPathService.GetInfoPathTaskActions web method is called is changes the status of the work item from Available to Open, thus preventing anyone else who may have a work item for that instance from actioning it.  Normal behaviour (although I wasn't aware that this happened), no big deal. However, if the person who first opened the form didn't action it we want to release the work item automatically.  Note: we don't use the K2 worklists.  I would like to write a web service/method to handle this which I can then call when the form closes and no action has been taken.  This should be very straight-forward  I am currently trudging through the Class Reference to see if I can find something to let me do this, but I thought I would see if someone already knows the answer.


I found it.  SourceCode.Workflow.Client.WorklistItem.Release()
