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I got a question here.

I have a list, with a folder named "folder_1", and under the "folder_1" it contains a child item named "item_1". And "folder_1" and "item_1" both has their ID, while ID for "folder_1" is 4, for "item_1" is 30.

Now I use the query list action in the workflow and query all list items for their ID and store the result in a collection variable.

Then here is the question: the result only record an ID 4(the folder's ID); while missing the ID 30(the item's ID). Does query list action only query one level of the list without considering child items or folders?


I think that in the configuration of your Query List action you should mark the Recursive case it's not enough, you should switch to CAML Editor (I suggest you to complete your query configuration from the query builder because it's a lot easier!!) and then, if you have marked the Recursive checkbox you should find a line in the query textbox where there is a Recursive value and you could change it to RecursiveAll

In that way, Query List action can process through various folder levels

Hope this help!


It works!!

Thank you my friend you r a genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!
