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I have a list of items sorted by month where employees select a yes/no answer in one of the columns. I would like to query the list for those employees who selected "No" & capture the names in a notification email to managers. The workflow is configured with a Query List, For Each, Collection Operation, Set Variable & Send Notification...which works, but only puts the first Employee/List Item with "No" in the Notification.


Any help will be greatly appreciated. TIA!


The trick is to build the variable in the For Each that you will use in the email.
Lets say you have a Variable called "NewName" in the for each.
You Create another Variable called "AllNames"
In the For Each loop you have a build string action that populates the AllNames Variable with NewName on each loop.
The text being built would look like:
It grabs the current AllNames Variable and adds the NewName to the string and then saves it as AllNames. Next loop it does the same adding a new name to the end of the string.


Add AllNames variable to your email and your good to go.

This worked...exactly what I needed!
Thank you for the help!
