This is my first time building a site workflow (only built list workflow before) and I'm still fairly new to Nintex overall. I apologize for the long post, I want to make sure I give all the info needed
Background: I have a list that has several locations. Each record/item has a renewal date,a ddress, and contact person etc.
I have been trying to build a workflow that checks to see which items have a renewal date within the next 25 days.
I'm getting stuck on pulling the data from each location that is impacted (renewal date in next 25 days) and assigning a separate flex task for each impacted location.
Problem: 1)When I add an email notification I receive the correct amount of emails but only the location names are correct none all the other information if accurate and all other pieces of information are listed as the exact same.
example: NJ campus and PA campus both have a renewal date within the next 25 days
I will receive 2 emails saying:
The NJ campus expires on 1/17/2020 (incorrect date) and doesnt show any info just ;;;;
The PA campus expires on 1/17/2020 (incorrect date) and doesnt show any info just ;;;;
2) I will put a flexitask but only receive 1 task saying locations NJ and Pa expire 12/26 (only the correct date for the PA campus. I want seperate flexi tasks to be sent for each impacted location
The workflow:
- I made a calculate date field and variable which works
- I have a query list icon that filters to show only items that have a renewal dat that matches the variable I made to calculate the date. then for the output fields I selected the Location name , renewal date and contact person and stored in a variable (I tried the variables as both a single text and collection)
- The I put a "for each" icon. This is where I think I'm messing up. the for each has only 1 option for target collection which I put the variable containing each name and stored it in a new name collection variable.
- (I only did this part just to test it out) I then created an email notification and inserted the new name collection variable ( the stored result that was from "from each ") and all the collection variables i created for the query list
- Then I created a flexi task and inserted the new name collection variable ( the stored result that was from "from each ") and all the collection variables i created for the query list
I know I'm definitely doing something wrong due to inexperience. Any help would be appreciated. MY goal is to have a separate flexi task for the PA location with all its correct information, then a separate flexi task for the NJ location with all its information etc.