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Hi all,


I have a scenario with a relatively standard setup of O365 connected back to the on-prem environment using DirSync and ADFS.  The on-prem active directory is the master.


I'm wondering if we can provision users with Nintex for O365 where we'd fill out a Nintex form with the necessary details and kick-off a provisioning workflow.  This workflow must create the active directory account, exchange account and assign account aliases.  The caveat here is we must talk directly to the on-prem active directory as it is the master.  We can't (to the best of my knowledge) create the account in the cloud synchronised version as that is a copy only and the system would prevent this.


Has anyone tried out this type of provisioning technique or know whether it is possible?




This is not currently possible with Nintex Workflow for O365.

If this is a feature you think would be useful, I would head over to and submit a feature request to the product team.

Any update on this?… 
