Products: Nintex Workflow 2013, Nintex Workflow 2010
This PowerShell script will do the following:
- Create a new SharePoint Content Database
- Create a new SharePoint Site Collection and assign it to the newly created SharePoint Content Database
- Set the SharePoint Content Database to not allow any new Site Collections to be associated with it
- Provision a new Nintex Content Database
- Create a 1-to-1 Mapping with the SharePoint Content Database and the Nintex Content Database
- Activate Nintex Workflow and Forms Site Collection Features
- Activate Nintex Workflow SubSite Features
PowerShell Script |
- #Load assemblies
- Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $assemblies = "Nintex.Workflow.Administration", "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder"
- foreach($assembly in $assemblies)
- {
- >void]lSystem.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName($assembly)
- }
- #Set variables
- $hostname = "" #Set web application hostname
- $sitename = "teamsite" #Set site name
- $managedpath = "sites" #Set managed path
- $siteurl = "$($hostname)/$($managedpath)/$($sitename)"
- $siteTemplate = $(Get-SPWebTemplate | WHERE {$_.Title -eq 'Team Site' -and $_.CompatibilityLevel -eq 15}) #Set to Teamsite by default
- $owner = "siteowner" #Set siteowner
- $databasename = "SPContentDB_$(sitename)" #Set SharePoint content database name
- $databaseserver = "SERVER\SHAREPOINT" #Set SQL database server
- $NintexDBName = "NW2013DB_$($sitename)" #Set Nintex content database name
- $connectionstring = "Server=$($databaseserver); Database=$($NintexDBName); Integrated Security = true;"
- #Provision site collection and SharePoint content database.
- New-SPContentDatabase -Name $databasename -DatabaseServer $databaseserver -WebApplication $hostname
- New-SPSite -URL $siteurl -OwnerAlias $owner -ContentDatabase $databasename -Template $siteTemplate
- Get-SPContentDatabase -Site $siteurl | Set-SPContentDatabase -MaxSiteCount 1 -WarningSiteCount 0
- #Provision Nintex content database
- $dbattacher = New-Object -TypeName Nintex.Workflow.Administration.DatabaseAttacher -ArgumentList @($connectionstring,/Nintex.Workflow.Administration.DatabaseAttachValidationMode]::PerformValidation)
- $dbattacher.AttachOptions.ProvideAllWebApplicationsAccess = $true
- $dbattacher.AttachOptions.CreateNewDatabase = $true
- $dbattacher.AttachOptions.IncludeStorageRecordStep = $true
- $result = $dbattacher.Attach()
- $configdb = eNintex.Workflow.Administration.ConfigurationDatabase]::GetConfigurationDatabase()
- #Create 1-to-1 mapping
- $newcontentdb = $configdb.ContentDatabases.FindByDatabaseAndServerName($databaseserver, $NintexDBName)
- $newdbmapping = New-Object -TypeName Nintex.Workflow.ContentDbMapping
- $newdbmapping.SPContentDbId = $(Get-SPDatabase | Where {$_.Name -eq $databasename}).Id
- $newdbmapping.NWContentDbId = $newcontentdb.DatabaseId
- $newdbmapping.CreateOrUpdate()
- #Activate Site Collection Features
- foreach($id in @('eb657559-be37-4b91-a369-1c201183c779', '0561d315-d5db-4736-929e-26da142812c5', '716f0ee9-e2b0-41f0-a73c-47ed73f135de','202afc3c-7384-4700-978d-6da3d3cce192', 'ac8addc7-7252-4136-8dcb-9887a277ae2c', '53164b55-e60f-4bed-b582-a87da32b92f1', '23fce797-ac15-4451-b8da-cf8ac6de6912', '54668547-c03f-4bb5-aaab-d9568ebaf9c9', '80bf3218-7353-11df-af9f-058bdfd72085'))
- {
- $(Get-SPFeature -Identity $id) | Enable-SPFeature -Url $siteurl
- }
- #Activate Subsite Features
- foreach($id in @('9bf7bf98-5660-498a-9399-bc656a61ed5d', '2fb9d5df-2fb5-403d-b155-535c256be1dc'))
- {
- $(Get-SPFeature -Identity $id) | Enable-SPFeature -Url $siteurl
- }
To use the script do the following:
- Ensure you are running the PowerShell console as a SharePoint Administrative account.
- Configure the variables in the script to the application.