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(Production) K2 for SharePoint deployment IIS application pool is only created for 2 of 5 SharePoint servers


Issue _1:
(Production) K2 for SharePoint deployment IIS application pool is only created for 2 of 5 SharePoint servers
Over last weekend, I attempted to deploy and configure K2 for SharePoint in our SharePoint 2010. The SharePoint farm is a 5-server topology with an additional stand-alone SQL Server. I previously installed K2 for SharePoint binaries on those servers and confirmed the SharePoint features, etc. were on each server.

The K2 deployment and configuration screens (Central Administration, K2 for SharePoint) indicated no errors in the deployment and activation process. But when I reviewed the SharePoint servers, the K2 deployment application pools I requested (named in the configuration screen entered) were only created on 2 of the 5 SharePoint servers. Need some assistance on how to correct the application pool deployments. I could delete the application pools on the 2 successful servers and try redeploying, but I prefer not to just experiment in our Production farm without some assistance--especially due to all the IIS resets (outages) that the process involves.

Issue _2:
After issue _1 was resolved, the following error was thrown when trying to activate K2 features after installing K2 smartforms component in the environment:
Warning: The K2 for SharePoint Installer must be run on all Web Front Ends in this farm before attempting the features activation. This page contains one or more errors. Fix the following before continuing: Filename: redirection.config Error: Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions



Issue _1:
Logged into Central Admin server with SharePoint farm admin account and completed the K2 for SharePoint Configuration Wizard and Activate K2 features, resolved the issue.

Issue _2:
Logged into Central Admin server with SharePoint farm admin account and run IE with admin ("Run as Administrator") then customer was able to activate K2 features successfully.

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