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in the destination rule i assigned ProcessOriginatorname which is a field from the workflow context.

it returns null...

what is the problem

ProcessOriginatorname is located in the Workflow context browser-->process instance-->originator-->name

Workflow context browser is the fourth tab in the context browser in the k2 object browser.

That is strange.  I have used this technique many times for assigning tasks to the originator.  Perhaps something in your environment is not configured correctly.

Something like what...can you please be more precise...because i am also having problems with building the workspace . when i run the configuration manager and create my own workspace web site every thing goes smoothly, no errors are found,  but nothing is created not even the application pool.

Also i have access problem to the default web site that has the k2 server and workspace. when i access it from other machine - http://theK2serverMachine - it pops for credentials 3 times then tells me that

You are not authorized to view this page

You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.

Please try the following:

  • Contact the Web site administrator if you believe you should be able to view this directory or page.
  • Click the Refresh button to try again with different credentials.

HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)



I have .net frame work 3.5 sp1 installed; IIS6;windows server 2003 SP2; visual studio 2005 SP1

i am using K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.3.0).

Standard authentication symptoms. Check that the site doesn't allow Anonymous and that Integrated Security is enabled. Also make sure that the site is configured to use NTLM only, not Negotiate (I'm assuming that the Workspace is on the same machine as the K2 Server). 

Thanks alot... i did all that and it worked!!!!

The thing that i dont understand is that why doesnt k2 create the application pool and workspace website itself, and why doesnt it tell me what went wrong in casethose are not created.

It usually does, and even if it fails you should see it in the log files that gets created during installation and configuration, just search for "Error" with the quotes. The only bit that it doesn't update is the NTAuthenticationProviders bit.

This has been changed since 4.5 where the Configuration Analysis tool warns you about this and can also update it for you. 

configuration analysis tool is a great addition since it updates all the requirements.
