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I have a process that seemed to be stuck in one spot so I went into service manager and tried to reassign it by using the "goto" activity.  It did not fix the issue, so I stopped and started the process and it is now stuck in "running" status.  I've tried the stop/start method again and get the same result.

Is there anything else I could try?

 It is a basic Default Activity.  The first step is a default server event that sets a datafield equal to today's date, and then the next (and last) event is a default client event that sends an email and waits for response from an ASP page.  Workspace shows that the default server event is green as if it worked, but the default client event is still blue as if it never did anything.

I really don't even see a reason that it was stuck in the first place - there are no errors showing, the data fields that I expect to be filled in are filled in, and this process has worked many times before this instance.

 Any suggestions are appreciated, and thanks in advance!

Where did you see that - "a process that seemed to be stuck in one spot"?

Did the user get the intended email?

Did it only happen to this one process instance?

Have you tried stopping and starting your K2Server Service?



Sometimes the Workspace reports that the process is running but its actually in Error state. Have you checked the Error profile for any process exceptions?

Hi Thread Starter,

I also have the similar problem as yours. The event at which the process is now stuck at has 2 activities. The first one updates a database which is completed (green) and the second one sends email to users which is not (blue). Furthermore, there is no error in the error profile. Did you managed to solve the problem?
