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I cannot view flow in the Process Overview because it shows "No Data Available", even I've logged in as K2 Service Account and K2 Admin.

This problem occurred after I changed the K2 Service Account and K2 Admin using K2 Setup Manager.
So far this are the only problem that I encountered after changing the K2 service Account, I have no problem in accessing the Console Management.

Is there any configuration that I missed?


You will need at least a View permission for a process before you can view any reports on the process. By default when you deploy any new process, the admin account will automatically be granted the Admin permission. In your case, you changed the admin account while the processes have already been deployed. As a result, the new admin account is not granted any permissions for all existing processes.


To grant your new admin account the correct permission:

1. Go to K2 Workspace

2. Open Management Console

3. Expand the K2 server node and then expand Users

4. Select Process Rights and enter the username of your new Admin. Click on Search.

5. Select your new Admin from the result list, and select View Details

6. Assign Admin permission for all the processes

7. You may also want to perform a search for your old admin account and remove the Admin permission from the processes.

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