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Can u guys help to find where to download this Process Migration tool ?


When I am trying to extract all the process instances from the k2 and k2log database using the K2 Process migration tool the following error is occuring.

System.Exception: No Process Instance records were returned using the selection criteria. Please correct selection and try again.

I request to help me in solving the problem.

This is caused by the absence of a logical version number which forms part of your process meta data.
You need to create this value on your process and re-export.
However, only new instances of the process will then have this value and will be eligible for extraction.

For more information see the 2003 Process Migration Component Help file (Click on Help from the Process Migration Utility).
The reference to the Logical Version Number is located under Reference>Best Practices.

Hope this helps.

got it under customer protal. thanks
How do you get to this part? Right click on the process map I see fields: Name, Description, Metadata, File Path, priority, expected duration.

This is caused by the absence of a logical version number which forms part of your process meta data. You need to create this value on your process and re-export.
Hi Peter,

It is in the MetaData area where you have to specify the version:
eg. #1#

I know what this tool does, but what scenerio does this tool become useful?

I would think it would be very useful if you wanted to split up some process types to another K2 environment.  e.g. Some processes are getting very high in volume and you want to move them to a dedicated environment.

If I remember correctly, the requirement was to extract a running process instance from one environment and continue execution thereof in another environment - completely disconnected from each other.

- Ockert

Can a version number be added to an existing process with out re-exporting it. I have added a version number to _proc data table and the migration tool will detect the processes but it still reports error when trying to attempt to extract them?



