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I have a process in error that I want to fix using the Process Management Tool in VS.  The problem that I'm running into is the workflow I am trying to repair is contained in a solution with other projects that the k2 project references.  When the Process Management tool opens the errored process, it only opens the k2 project, and therefore the build fails because it cannot find the referenced projects.  Is there any kind of work-around to repairing a workflow with project references?

When you open the project in the process management tool you should be able to add the missing references (right click references --> add refs), or does that not work for you?

I tried that, and I get a funky error that I'm not 100% sure is related to the missing reference.  Here is what happens.

  • I open up the errored process from the process management window and immediately get the following error displayed in place of what should be the code causing the error

One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.

Specified cast is not valid.


at VSLangProj.Reference.get_SourceProject()
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.TypeProviderCreator.TypeProviderHost.ReferenceEntry..ctor(TypeProvider typeProvider, Reference reference)
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.TypeProviderCreator.TypeProviderHost.VSLangProj._dispReferencesEvents.ReferenceAdded(Reference pReference)
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.TypeProviderCreator.TypeProviderHost..ctor(IServiceProvider provider, IVsHierarchy hierarchy)
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.TypeProviderCreator.GetTypeProviderHostForObject(Object obj)
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.TypeProviderCreator.GetTypeProvider(Object obj)
at Microsoft.Workflow.VSDesigner.VSWorkflowDesignerLoader.Initialize()
at System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.BasicDesignerLoader.BeginLoad(IDesignerLoaderHost host)
at System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerHost.BeginLoad(DesignerLoader loader)


  • So now I add the missing refence and I can view the code causing the error

  • I fix the code and go back to the process managment tool to redeploy.

  • I write a description for the deployment and hit ok and then I get an error popup in a message box

Error: Value cannot be null

Parameter name: path 2
