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This is kind of difficult to explain, but I'll try.

On the K2 Report page it lists all your processes (we have one).
Clicking on the process name shows all the instances of that process. Next to those instances are icons for View Flow and Process Instance Data. Using the Process Instance Data icon you can view the current state of the process instance datafields and xmlfields.

I used to use this to view the InfoPath xml schema at various stages during the workflow (all this was during development), but at some point in the last few months this has quit working (When I select the XML Data tab the schema is no longer listed).

What can cause this to happen, and how can I get it back?
Hi Steve,

Are you still able to see the XML for the initial processes?
Hi Conrad,
I'm not sure what you mean by initial processes, but the instances in which we were able to see them (several months ago) have been cleaned out of the db, so they are no longer available. During development and testing the database got so cluttered up that we cleared the db. (once our environment was properly set up, we did a db backup of the K2 and K2Log dbs. This backup has been restored a few times throughout development to give us a clean db)

The only place I can see the XML now is in the activities. I need to look at the current state of the process xml at various points along the workflow to check for approvals.

We've got a process that combines both serial and parallel activities, and in the case of parallel activities we are not saving the entire schema back to the process in the succeeding rule, but just a piece of the schema that is unique to that activity.

So for example, there might be 5 activities that are active at the same time (some of which may have multiple slots), and there is a subsequent activity that checks for the completion of all of them before moving on. We can't just check the activity status because some of the activities have a 'reject' capability, which cancels all pending approvals and redirects back to the originator for modification before submitting again.

So we are saving each activity performer in their own xml node in the schema, and saving their comments and setting a status as well. Then the preceeding rule of the following activity can check this status of all the activities, and if any one is not 'approved' then the preceeding rule is false.

Confusing, eh?

There is a bug in the preceeding rule, and I need to look at the schema values at various points to see where our problem lies. I know the xmlschema used to show up, but at some point in time (maybe a few months ago) it disappeared. This may have coincided with a service pack upgrade (or may not).
Maybe this works differently with InfoPath Schema, but I use XML Process Data field. When you say you update just a piece of the xml node, doesn't that require updating the entire XML Data field like I do? I'd use separate XML data fields if they are unique to their own activities.
A simple but sometimes overlooked point to check:
Is the XML Field marked as hidden in your K2 Process?

When you create an InfoPath process, the XML field (called K2InfoPathSchema) that stores the InfoPath xml is created as a hidden field by default and you will not see it in Workspace.
Somehow the K2InfoPathSchema XML field was marked as hidden. I'm not sure when or why that changed, but it may have happened during a service pack installation - I'm certain that I didn't change it.

Thanks, dc
