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Hi All,

Can anyone give a brief explanation of the  various statuses for a Process INstance.

Thanks and Regards


Active - There are still one or more Activities which have not finished.

Completed - All Activities have completed.

Error - A runtime error has occurred somewhere in the Process Instance, View and Repair it with Service Manager

Running - The server is busy executing code, typically only lasts a few milliseconds.


Hi smiddie,

Thanks a lot.

If a process instance completes then it is automically removed from the Service Manager ? Right .


The quick answer is Yes, it will not appear in Service Manager.

What is really happening is that Service Manager only looks at the K2 (transaction) database when displaying statuses, not the K2Log (history) database.  When a process instance complete it no longer resides within the K2 (transaction) database and only is recorded in K2Log (history).  Thus Service Manager can't see any completed processes.


Hi Bob,

Thanks a lot.

Here I would like to discuss something. If an activity has an async server event and the process instance completes, then why do we need to explictly finish the Server Event through it's Serial Number ?


HI sourcecode.

I'm not sure that I follow this question, as this original post dealt with a question about possible statues as well as how it appears in K2 Service Manager.



Hi Bob,

Thanks a lot for replying.

I apologize for the incovenience caused.

Thanks and Regards
