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We have a process that has a role defined in a variable at run time which is applied as the destination of a client event. But if the role does not exist an error is not fired and the process will forever wait for input from that destination even though it doesn't exist. The activity status remains active. Why does the process not error if the role does not exist? It is impossible for us to be able to administer this in live as we will never know if processes are stuck because a role is not in existence.



This behavior that you are experiencing is currently the expected behavior when using a hard-coded string and/or process data field. A destination set will accept any sort of string that you pass it, as long as it is not an empty string. During runtime it will just assign it to this string and as such does not error out.


One way to implement this check and force the process to error out, if a role does not exist is to perhaps call the 'URM Service > Role Smartobject > Get Roles method". Perhaps creating your own Role Smartobject from the URM Service so that it can be used in the destination set. During runtime, if this Role Smartobject does not find a role from the environment, it will return an empty string this causes the activity to error out with "An Activity with a client event should at least have one destination.

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