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Hi All,

I have designed a process and exported it. The process has a datafield named "Temp" which has an initial value of say 10.

Is there any way that without further exporting the process , I can update the value of "Temp"  to 100.

As far I know , we can't change the value in Studio without exporting.

 I know this sounds stupid but I am helpless as usual.  

Please reply ASAP.

Thanks and Regards.

Hi sourcecode,

If you want to update the value of the datafield in a process instance you can use the K2Rom.

But if you want to update the default value of this datafield :

In this case you can't use the string table, you must export the process.

Hi melhem,

Many a thanks for replying.

I will update the value of datafield  from 10 to 100 in ProcessInstance. Then I will close the ProcessInstance. I will again open another instance of the same process. Then what value I will get for the datafield. Will I get 10 or 100 ?

U had also referred to string table. I did not get it.

Pls reply ASAP.

Thanks and Regards.

If you open another instance of the same process,then you will
get 10 for the value of the data field.

Forgot about string tables, they are not applicable in this case


Hi melhem,

Thanks again for replying.

It means we cannot change the initial value of a datafield through coding. The only way is going to STUDIO and changing it there and then exporting the process once again.

Pls suggest ASAP.

Thanks and Regards.

Yes this is the only way

You must export again


Hi melhem,

A big thanks for replying so many times . It was really helpful.

Thanks and Regards.
