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a) sometimes K2 throws error like: "An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full".

b) our applications sometimes throw errors like "LDAP server not available" with stack trace pointing to Sourcecode libraries

See screenshot B1 in document

c) users group membership is randomly dissapearing from Identity table - e.g. "domain users" group is sometimes lacking some users this ends up with errors like "xxx user doesn't have permissions to start proces yyy" (we use domain users for "start" permission on a proces)

d)update - in the file i've uploaded i see 6556 connections to SQL server ( with TIME_WAIT status... how we can get rid of these?



The client identified issue A and B as infrastructure issues our infrastructure regarding a) and b) from my ticket.

Issue C is being handled on the ticket 118805.

Provided the below information for the "Time Wait" issue:

I have put together some suggestions to try and address the error "Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted".
This error is almost certainly caused by the TCP layer. It will either be an issue with available sockets on the SharePoint server or the K2 server.
One way to tell which server is more likely the issue, is to use the netstat command on each and look for how many connections are in TIME_WAIT state. Whichever server has more connections stuck in TIME_WAIT is where we probably need to focus. From a command prompt, run the following:
Determine how many are in TIME_WAIT. Repeat this on each SharePoint WFE as well as the K2 server.
Once you know which server is running out of TCP connections, you can make the following changes.
Changing the Dynamic Port Range
1.Open regedit.
2.Open key HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters
3.Edit (or create as DWORD) the MaxUserPort value.
4.Set it to a higher number. (i.e. 65534)

Changing the TIME_WAIT delay
1.Open regedit.
2.Open key HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParameters
3.Edit (or create as DWORD) the TCPTimeWaitDelay.
4.Set it to a lower number. Value is in seconds. (i.e. 60 for 1 minute delay)

Please also see the below links:

'ESTABLISHED' means there's an actual connection between your machine and the remote IP and port that is able to exchange traffic. (


The client is closing the ticket because some of the issues have been resolved and the remaining issue is being handled on another ticket.

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