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I tried to deploy a workflow with infopath integration from a local client installation (former I develop on development k2 server). I get following error message: 


Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

   bei System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

   bei System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Objecte] parameters)

   bei SourceCode.SharePoint.WebServices.K2SPFiles.UploadInfoPathFormTemplate(String fullFileUrl, Bytel] fileContent, Boolean webEnable)

   bei SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.SPFormLibraryLocation.UpdateFile(String sourcePath)

   bei SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.Solution.SavePublishFile(XsnLocation location)

   bei SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.FormTemplate.Solution.Publish(XsnLocation location)

   bei SourceCode.Workflow.Design.InfoPath.WorkflowFormTemplateEditor.DeployToSPFormLibrary(String rootSiteUrl, String dataConnectionsFolderUrl)

   bei SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.InfoPath.PublishFormTemplateTask.DeployFormTemplate(FormTemplateObject ftObj)

            D:k2developK2_solutionsK2Workflow1K2Workflow1objDebugDeploymentK2Sample.msbuild       81        6            K2Sample



I think it is a permission problem - but which permissions do a development account exactly needs?


Hello man_anja,

Could you check if the sharepoint app pool is part of the moss farm admins? Also when changes are made to central admin an IIS reset is required.  Let me know if this helps.





Yes this helps - I get a temporary Moss Farm Admin to test it.

But our IT Members not allow ALL developers as Farm Admin. Is this the only way to make K2 development?????


I see what you are saying.  However, what i'm wondering is you said you tested this with a temporary MOSS farm admin.  Did you add the k2 service account as a Farm admin which in turn should rectify the issue.  I do not believe that all users need to be farm admins.  I've seen issues before where some users could not deploy to MOSS because they did not have local admin rights, so i'm wondering what version of K2 you're running and what your environment looks like (ie, distritubted,simple, etc.)




Hi Anja,

I was told that the requirement for Farm Administrator rights for developers exporting InfoPath 'browser' forms is no longer a needed in 803.

It is however a requirement that the application pool identity is a Farm Administrator. I was not told which application pool but I assume it will be the MOSS front-end application pool identity. I have asked for confirmation but have not had a reply yet. I will let you know as soon as I have the answer.

Confirmed - the MOSS front-end application pool identity needs to be Farm Administrator.
