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We created a package from the prod environment and have tried to deploy it to a new installation of K2 in a staging environment.
We received several errors about some views/forms that were missing from the collection and didn't deploy (views/forms associated with SharePoint lists)
I tried creating another package with just the missing views/forms and it worked for one SP list, but we have several other that don't show up in the categories in Designer.


Advised customer to use PandD tool from sharepoint site when moving k2 artifacts from different sharepoint environments. Customer was able to create the package from the production environment. When deploying the package on test environment customer experience two issues.

1) Customer then navigate to their test sharepoint site http://sharepointsite/sites/changemanagement and the Change Request list, use the PandD tool on the sharepoint site to deploy the package created from production. After selecting the package and click Open to navigate to the "Processing Package" page, all items on the UI progress with green marks. Then the page will redirect to the deployment page (http://k2/Deployment/DeploymentResolve.aspx?spsiteurl=http://sharepointsite/sites/changemanagementandsplistid={A618C92E-96E6-4B28-B6AA-4A88DB5248A7}andsession%20name=Change%20Management_Change%20Requestandlist%20name=Change%20Requestandsource=http://sharepointsite/sites/changemanagement/Lists/Change%20Request/AllItems.aspxandsfruntimeurl=http://k2/runtime/Runtime/)

This URL will give a 401 error, notice the url is incorrect. It should be http://k2/Designer/Deployment/DeploymentResolve.aspx... So we manually navigate to the deployment page using the correct URL and resolve all the references and starts the Deployment.

2) After deployment, we get the Deployment Failed page with 100+ item deployed successfully and 14 items failed deployment - see attachment for the deployment log - Change Management_Change Request_log.log
Error message:

Fail AddAttachmentssharepointsite___sites___changemanagement_Lists_Change_Request_AttachmentsView
The requested item "AddAttachmentssharepointsite___sites___changemanagement_Lists_Change_Request_AttachmentsView" cannot be found in the collection. System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The requested item "AddAttachmentsjfghome_johnsonbank_com___sites___changemanagement_Lists_Change_Request_AttachmentsView" cannot be found in the collection.


1) Updated the runtime and designer url in the Environment.FieldValue table for the FieldID AA214DE3-C34F-FFFF-A547-BBB0F7CEE4DD (SmartForms Designer SSL URL) and 34b422c0-c04b-455f-8aa4-58b867d64463 (SmartForms Runtime SSL URL). Restart the k2 service and the issue is fixed.

2)It appears the issue with some views and forms not deploying was related to the Control type="view" in the Form.Control table still referencing the old SP system name, even though we changed the SiteURL and List ID.

This field in the Property XML field of Form.Control table had to be changed to match the new system name:

Displaympsdev_sharepointsite___sites___jfg_Lists_Johnson_Discussion_ListJohnson Discussion ItemView

Had to replace the SP system name "mpsdev_sharepointsite__sites___ttt_ " with "sharepointsite___sites___changemanagement"

Will run SQL proc to update this field in the Prod DB to fix the views and make a new package to deploy to test.

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