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Our company has an email disclaimer, which I am attempting to remove from All Approver Comments (created via Lazy Approval), to create an approval history, to store in the list item.  I am using a Replace function, and including the entire disclaimer verbiage as the text to replace, but there is something going awry with my function, because the function and its parameters are being displayed in the results.  See attachment 1, items in red boxes.  Attachment 2 is a screenshot of the function formula.  Any help is appreciated.

You cannot remove the disclaimer because it is added by Exchange Server after the email is generated

I think commas within disclaimer text break syntax of the formula.

try to replace enclosing apostrophes with {TextStart}disclaimer_text{TextEnd}

No, Marian's suggestion didn't work.  The result is the same.

have you enclosed both input variable as well as disclaimer text with {TextStart} / {TextEnd}?

in both you have plenty of characters that might cause problems.

I would anyway suggest to rather use regular expression action.

it's much more flexible and not so sensitive to various 'dangerous' characters in input text.

with following simple pattern you can eg. remove all the text from DISCLAIMER word until end of the input, whatever the text is


Thank you or this suggestion, Marian f.  I had to include the entire Disclaimer text in the Pattern field, and I had to include a space in the Replacement text field to have it remove the disclaimer consistently, but it worked and I have a solution I am happy with.
