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I have a workflow with a web form designed with K2.NET 2003 SP2a. Than I made the update to SP3. Now I have the problem, that the data in a K2Data grid would not be set in the process.

Here is some code:

 = "False";

this.K2DataGrid1.ThisDataSet = dsLocal;
this.K2DataGrid1.DataSource = dsLocal;

This ist the function of the OK button. At the end of the funktion I have checked the values of the data grid an all datas ar ok. But in the process himself the data will not be changed. The crazy thing is, that the same code will run well on the start page of the process.

Then I have removed the Clienttools of K2.NET 2003 SP3 from my developer station an reinstalled the SP2a. Then the process will run well.
So I have SP3 on the server and SP2a on the developer station.
The website run on the developer station.

Thanks for help
Hmm had a similar problem.. Only way i could get around it was to get the xml from the dataset and set it into an invisible k2textbox that was bound to the xmlfield in the process. the k2datagrid never passed the information to the k2 process for some reason. couldnt figure it out fully...

its a work around not a solution...
