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I have problem regarding deploying K2 project to another testK2 server. This testK2 server is not in my environment. I get all files from obj/Debug from my devK2 server and move to testK2 server. I start to install from cmd (MSBuild) and I get error that the host is not exist, and that host was my devK2 server. I was try to change the Environments Fields in Environment Library, but in that case I can not deploy the project. 

Please help me


Ensure you changed the environment to the second test dev environment
when building the package.



When build the package K2 studio -> Deploy -> Advance -> Environment and I select TEST.

I get message No such host is known.

In Environment Library I have something like: "Integrated=True;
IsPrimaryLogin=True; Authenticate=True; EncryptedPassword=False; Host=ADCOvK2T;
Port=5555" where ADCOvK2T is the host which my network doesn't see. 

Is there anything another that I need to change?

Thank you very much 

If I build the package K2 studio -> Deploy -> Advance -> Environment and I select Production or development (they have the same Environments) I have successfully deploy files. but when I start the deploying on TEST machine I get error that cannot be find the "HOST" which point to my K2 Environments. 

Please help me if I mistake.

That sound suspect. Are you able to ping ADCOvK2t? also try
changing the connection strings to FQDN and another test if you can ping the
server is to try and use the IP in the connection strings.

Just to check so you have two Dev environments, can they
access each other? On the same domain? If they can then I would suggest to
start by double checking all the connection strings, until you can deploy to
this environment via VS or K2 Studio.

Is this post in the correct forum? Are you running .NET2003?
if not what is the full K2 version you are running.


Thank you for the answer. 
I'm to new on K2 so I hope that, later I will have a little issues regarding deployment.

So, I using K2 Blackpearl 4.0.x. version 

First of all, the myK2 server and ADCOvK2t server are not in same domain and they cannot ping. All I need is to deploy the K2 project from myK2 server to ADCOvK2t server. As I mention I think that the problem is the connection string on my K2 project which I need to setup to show to ADCOvK2t server. I'm using K2 Studio for depoloying.

How can I do this?

Thank you very much
