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After upgrade to 4.6.11 the Expression the client had on two text boxes started running on initialize form rule, instead of Padding the text boxes with leading zeros as previously, before the upgrade.
The client was unable to use the previously functioning expressions after upgrade



We did research on our local Environment and found that in 4.6.11 an expression linked to a text box get executed on initialize of the form.
We also did some investigation on what would be the best workaround to implement without changing too much on the forms and views.


We added two parameters to the client lookup view
We then proceeded to change the expressions to use the newly created parameters
We then created two transfer data rules on the form, on the lookup Client button.
We then proceeded to configure the first rule and mapped the textbox values of Client Text and Matter Text to the two corresponding parameters of the view.
We then Proceeded to configure the second transfer data rule and mapped the Client TextBox And MattertextBox values to the corresponding expressions that we changed earlier.
This resulted in the expected behaviour of the text in the text boxes padding the client and matter number from the left with leading zeros.


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