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I will try to keep this as simple as possible. We have a biztalk orchestration published as a webservice which accepts a schema and returns a schema. We create our InfoPath document from this data connection. This all works fine...we can fill in fields and run a query against the webservice and it returns with data filled problem. But when we try to do an InfoPath process in K2 studio i get an error right away when pointing to the .xsn file. It reads "invalid ref attribute. Target namespace '' is not available to be referenced in this schema." At this point i cannot continue. If we take the orignial xsd and take out the targetNamespace and redeploy everything works fine. This doesnt seem correct though, why should i have to take out the namespace? When we do this, our biztalk developers lose all the mappings in their orchestration and is a lot of tedious work. Any ideas?
The only thing that I can recommend is to open a formal support request through the Customer and Partner portal since we'll need to have a look at your schema for troubleshooting.

