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I have a list A which contains one drop down and the values are x, y and z. When Y is selected, I need to auto populate the new form from list B then I have to fill list B new form before submitting the list A form. 

Please help me out in achieving this!




Use a JavaScript Modal Dialog containing a frame where the URL is the "New Item" one of list B.
And let this Modal appearing once you select a certain value from the Drop down.

this might help with what Philip Warrak‌ has suggested?

I found out the way to do this. It's working fine now. Thank you for the support!.

Excellent - can you detail your approach in case others have the same requirement please?

Let's assume that my drop down ID is MyddlID

NWF$("#" +MyddlID).change(function(){
var obj = NWF$('#' + MyddlID + ' option:selected').val()

javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog({ url:'list B url', title: 'B-New Item' });


And also here I have question: How to hide "Close button on the top-right of the page"?

Dear ‌,

Please take in consideration freezing the screen behind the Modal Dialog.

