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1. SmartObject based on StoredProc refreshing a linked server fails.
2. Certificate errors connecting to forms designer.
3. Port configuration wrong



1. It might be failing because it is using anonymous authentication and or missing Kerberos SPN’s.
2. Ensured the certificate is installed on the local machine
3. Verified defaults ports being used are correct as per



1. We have a SQL server service broker object set up. The service broker is all set up fine: the Smart Object tester can run many different methods of many smart objects. However we have one smart oject which executes a stored proc which references a linked server. This proc is failing because it is using anonymous authentication. I assumed that because the form seems to be losing credential settings between hops that the problem was due to missing Kerberos SPNs so I ran a script supplied by K2 to try to set these up, however it doesn't appear to have fixed the original problem.
2. We get a certificate error connecting to the forms designer
3. Port configuration appears to be wrong in IIS on the dev k2 server, it should be on 4444/4445 according to the workspace, but it is set up on 83.
1.The authentication was set to ServiceAccount, but the database was still set to a different environment. Additionally a network setting on the K2 server network adapter was wrong, and this was preventing connection to another sql server.

2. Installed the certificate on the local machine.

3.Workflow server port was set to 5555 and not 5252

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