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Plan per slot (no destination) - XML not debatching properly


I have used the plan per slot (no destination) in other situations to separate out nodes in an XML document for individual processing. It usually works fine with no problems.

For one XML file it doesn't work and I can't see why. For this file only the first node is passed to the IPC event rather that every node in the document. Please see attached project. I've simplified it right down to the offending activity in Process1.

I've run out of ideas and come to a bit of a dead end so if you could help it would be well appreciated.




This is because the Dest Rule , Plan per Slot , Select a List option expects either a SMO List method or a XML Repeating node
Looking at the XML files in your project , the WestPacBilatRecord node is not describes as a repeating node in your XSD , so K2 will treat it as a single Occurrence

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