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I have an activity which has one role (2 members) as destination.

If I let the default settings - I guess I than have:
Plan at one; create a slot for each destination = true; number of slots = N/A; Resolve all roles to users = false; create a slot for each role = true;

In the white paper "Roles and advanced destiantion rules" this is Example #2 and there is following information:
"Worklist items remain for members of a role when someone in that role has already actioned the task. If this is not desired, plan a parallel (all at once) ..."

But if I use this default settings the worklist items are removed for the second member if the first one open the task (it must not be finished). It is ok for me, but I am confused and wonder if this is a bug and sometimes it changed and than I have to change all my workflows.

I try also Example#7

All at once parallel ; create a slot for each destination = true; Specified number of slots = N/A; Resolve all roles to users = FALSE; Create a slot for each role = true;

But I can't see any differences.

Can anyone explain me that.

Thank you.



Hi Anja,

In your first example you have a single role and a single slot is created for that role. When someone actions a task it is removed for the other user -- that is expected for the plan. Example#2 in the paper uses two roles instead of your one.

Example#7 for you would be exactly the same as your first plan because only one slot is created for each role (resolve all roles to users = false). If you specify two slots in this plan you should see the task remain for the second user in the role.




Hi Mike,

thx very much - perhaps you can give me additional information:

Is it true, that if I use Example#7 instead of Example#2 (in my one role destination situation) I can use the ActivityInstance Destination User Information to see who carry out the task. But with Example#2 these fields are not available. So it will be perhaps useful to use Example#7.

I'm right?


Hi Anja,

You're almost right. You'll have to do a Plan Per Destination - All at Once plan, Resolve all roles to users, and specify a single slot. It's the only way I've found to get at the ActivityInstanceDestination information for the user who actioned the task (K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.User.FQN.ToString()).

You will see the worklist items on both user's worklists, and if you look at the global worklist in the Management Console, you will see the tasks are assigned to each individual user, not the role since you specify Resolve all roles to users instead of Create a slot for each role. But once one user actions the task, the task for the other user will be cleaned up -- the server removes it from the second user's worklist and marks the SharePoint task as "Complete" if it is a SharePoint Workflow Integration process, for example.



You might want to check out my article on the differences.



I have an activity which has 2 destination users.

But it is "Plan Just Once" and No of slots is equal to 1


There are 6 events in the activity including the client event

One of the event is a Send Email Event.


Now the strange thing here is , all events are executed twice . But I receive only one email . Hos is this possible ?


Receiving email ince, even though the event gets executed twice.


Please advise.

Thanks and Regards,


I am a little confused and I cannot get the the article in the last post but I think you missed something. This answer does depend on using K2 Studio and not a designer workflow as the screens are different but the options are still the same.


In the workflow activity go to Destiantion rule. Click Back and select "run this wizard in advanced mode"

Select "Plan per destination - All at Once" click next

Select "Create a slot for each destination and "resolve all roles and Groups to users" Click next

Sel Destination Sets Click Finish


Here is what often gets left out. If you did not start out with these settings when you created the outcomes this is the problem


Click the bottom buttom called "Configure Outcomes"

You should by default have an Outcome for each action on your workflow event.


Open each of these and make sure they read "All slots of Action result = XXX".  when they were created they were probably created with "at least One result = XXX"


The outcomes become the line rules and when set to at least one thay move on after just one.


If you do this you will also be able to set esclations on the event level and have access to the "Activity Destination Instance" user information to send emails to just the user assigned the task. 


I hope this helps.




