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Hi All

What level of permissions do you need to be able to edit a content type level Nintex Form?

Site Settings > Site Content Type > Choose Content Type > Edit Form with Nintex Forms in the settings page

I assumed site owner would work?

Getting issues for some users (who oddly are site collection administrators) whereby when clicking that link they get popup "Let us know why you need access to this site".  It has been since the release of ‌ I believe but I cannot replicate as it simply won't break for me.

I have a support case open with Nintex and may well raise with Microsoft too - but didn't know if anyone has seen this before and hopefully resolved it?

It seems like the issue with content type based Nintex forms is down to read permissions to root level site collection.

What is not clear at this stage is why Nintex requires person to have read level access to top level site (provided you are creating form on another site collection e.g. sites/edievents), maybe it’s a bug or standard documented behaviour – I don’t know yet. But the forms are working now!

Strange, I have a content type based form and the test user can only open the form if the account has SCA access. (I tried the above).
