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Hi all,

this should be an easy one, but I didn't get it running... sad.png I would like to write a  entry into a variable. What I did:

Within form (setting of the people picker control):

Store Client ID in Javascript: Yes
Client ID Javascript variable name: ppFK

Trying to get it into a variable (both without success):
var FK = new NF.PeoplePickerApi("#" + ppFK);
var FK = document.getElementById(ppFK);
Any help is highly appreciated! grin.png 

you are almost there laugh.png

with PP API

var FK = new NF.PeoplePickerApi("#" + ppFK);
console.log('PP content: ' + FK.$elem.val());

without PP API

console.log('PP content: ' + NWF$("#" + ppFK).val());

Great Marian,

with that I managed to do what I wanted:

Button -> Settings -> Advanced -> Client click -> 

if(!confirm("Would you like to send the request to "+NWF$("#" + ppFK).val()+"?")){ return false; }

Thanks a lot!



Can you please help me with this scenario?
People picker id=orgIdCloseOut
text field id=exan
how to display people picker field user's display name into the text field?
