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After an upgrade from Server 2008R2 to Server 2012, Dev and QA K2 PDF converter API works 100%. But when migrating to the new environment the pdf was not aligned when printed and when we checked the PDF converter API service instance webkit was set to false just like other environments where it is working fine. Then we tried to set it to true, now the pdf was aligned, but the problem was it was throwing an error and the pdf was not populated.


After a long investigation of this issue, it appears that there is a bug in the PDF converter when you generate PDF of the form using "Generate PDF from URL" method. When the form Padding and the border size are set to 0px, the PDF will be trimmed from the right hand side,d both pdf's, webkit set to true and the other to false as per file name


The only workaround is to set the padding and the border size either to the default value(12px) each or higher than zero.

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