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Randomly, PDF Converter does not render SmartForm to PDF correctly : sometime some part of the data are missing.




It is possible to try the following investigations steps:




1) Increase the "Conversion Delay" input property of the SmartObject "PDF converter"




2) If it does not work, check the Service Instance settings "PDF Converter": a combination that should work well is "useWebkit" = True and "serializeResources" = False (be sure to make a screen shot of these parameters before making any changes to be able to revert to initial settings). More information about these settings can be found here:




3) If it does not work, check the "Authentication Mode" setting of the "PDF Converter" Service Instance: Depending on your needs it can be set to "Impersonate" or "Service Account". If it is set to "Service Account" and the URL you are requesting to convert to PDF is the one that is currently displayed (= already loaded), it is normal to have a long response time during the PDF generation, Because at this time, the page is loaded again on behalf of the service account without  possibility of using cached objects.




4) If it does not work, check the NavigationTimeout parameter in the pSystemDrive]:K2 blackpearlHost ServerBinK2HostServer.exe.Config:


<add key = "Sourcecode.SmartObjects.Services.PDFConverter.NavigationTimeout" value = "120" >


You can also try to increase this value. Here is a link where you can find more information about these settings:




5) If it does not work, try to set a width specific to the form (Width).




6) If it does not work, try reversing the values: Set useWebkit = false and seralizeResources = true (Restart K2 Service after this test).




7) If it does not work, try changing the values: Set useWebkit = false and seralizeResources = false (Restart the K2 Service after this test).




😎 If it does not work, try changing the values: put useWebkit = false and seralizeResources = false change the authentication mode to "Service Account".




9) If it does not work, try adding these settings in <Settings>:




<add key="Forms.PostRenderCombining.RelativeRootOverride" value="" /> <add key="Forms.Controls.SaveAsPDF.BaseURL" value="http://servername:81" />





All the previous investigation steps didn't worked, but finally fixed by customer by the creation of a simplest view in read only mode.





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