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Pb envoi mail smartform event


J’ai un problème en production uniquement.
Les mails envoyés via un mailevent fonctionnent, mais pas ceux envoyés depuis un smartforms client event.
Les deux events sont utilisés dans le même workflow.
Je n’ai pas d’erreur dans les logs, le workflow ne s’arrête pas.
Voir pièce jointe.


Hi Jonathan ,

I'm very happy that it's working!


First issue:
Mail not sent using Mail inside the "DefaultClientEvent" and "SmartForm Client event". No issue with the "E-mail Event"
In log file we started to have
Error 401

After using the ConnectionStringEditor we change the user id used for the EWS.ExchangeWebServiceConnection in order to have no issue testing the URL with this user id and password.
But after this change the mail was not sent and we had the following error message in log:

"61007 Permanent failure sending message ClientEvent Notification: System.Exception: No destinations could send the message ClientEvent Notification.
à SourceCode.MessageBus.Server.MessageBusRuntime.SourceCode.MessageBus.IMessageDestination.Send(String title, MessageExtendedInformation extended, IEnumerable`1 attachments, MessageBodyReader,] messageBodies)","","","SRVK2:C:Program Files (x86)K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin","16405912","37f8cf34338d401695fa1ed212d77357",""


After comparison of K2HostServer.exe.config files between dev and production, I found the following difference:

Development (working):

Production (Not working):

In production, we seems to use EWS (Exchange) and SMTP in Dev. Please change Dev like production:

This action seem to the be same of the following action using the "K2 Blackpearl Setup Manager", select "Configure K2 Blackpearl", click 11 times on "Next" button and verify in this screen "Exchange Server Configuration" that the check-box "Use Exchange for mail integration" is unticked.

You have 2 days to accept or reject this resolution. If you feel the issue is not resolved, please reject this resolution.
Otherwise, please take the opportunity to submit feedback, using the link included in this message.

Thanks, and regards
Olivier Chatagnon

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