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I am trying to divide my process into two parallel legs, but it doesn't seem to work for me. In my workflow I have an activity with client smartform event where I want to approve a request with checkbox checked or unchecked which decides, whether to run only one leg or both.

I have set on an activity in workflow outcomes to complete with:

All slots of Action result = Approved
Checkbox(datafield)Value = True

the other one with

All slots of Action result = Approved

You can see that the second one is completed whenever the approved action is selected. So to complete both conditions I suppose to only add checked checkbox. However only one of these is started and it depends on which one came hierarchically first in evaluating.

Am I doing something wrong? Would anyone please help or advice?

Are you adding the rules to the Lines or just in the succeeding rule.  Make sure its on the line rules.  The succeeding rule basically determines when an activity can complete while the line rules actually determine that path the workflow will go after that activity has finished..

Thanks, that was it :-)
