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I want to design a process where a user at some activity of a process, can make requests for info from many external clients as well pass some info to internal users. He has to wait for the reponse from all the external clients but for internal clients he just needs to send the request. So what i need is that the user stays at that activity if he has made any request to external clients. For internal clients, a worklist item should get added to their worklist. When all his requests from external clients are returned, he can complete the activity and the process moves to next step and when all the requests to interanl users are finished, the process completes.

So the problem I am facing is to make the user stay at the request activity untill all his external requets are completed and at the same time he can make requests to internal users, which should be added to the worklist of internal users.

Any help will be highly appreciated.
Have a look at the Training material available on the Partner and Customer Portal:

This will help you a lot in what you want to achieve.

Specifically have a look at the following:

Server Event
When Syncronous = False , the event will automatically be finished.
When Syncronous = True , the event will wait until it is explicitly finished.

When Syncronous = False , the event will wait for the a response back from the child process.
When Asyncronous = True , the event will finish and not worrying about the other child process.


Can the principles of this be applied to a situation of where an item of post is expected or if a timeout occurs?
i.e The user sends an item of post out, the system waits for returned mail / response OR hits the timeout?
May be elementary but thought I'd ask.. :oops:

