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When creating a package of artifacts for a list using Package and Deployment inside the K2 for SharePoint app, at the final step of the wizard the message is shown:

The following location might be invalid. Continue to "/File.ashx?_SOID==GUID]andSessionName==site/listname]and_ReturnProperty=FileContentand_controlType=file"


This item was determined to be the result of a missing Environment Library variable inside the default Environment Library in Workspace for the affected environment.


The issue was due to the fact that the environment library did not have a Smartforms Runtime SSL environment field. K2 uses this to build the correct URLs for Package and Deployment inside the SharePoint app to be able to use the file download control when creating a package. As a result of this not yet existing, image icons during the navigation of the PnD wizard were also missing, giving us an indication that it might be Environment Library related.

The image icons that were missing are directly related as they use the Smartforms Runtime SSL environment field to find the location of the images and as the environment field did not exist it looked for the images on the Root site, where no images can be found for that component.

To resolve this, a script (which you can obtain from K2 Support) was used to check if the Smartforms Runtime SSL Environment field exists, and if not, the script will inject it into the K2 database in the proper location. Using this script against the affected environment injected the environment field properly with the correct SSL Smartforms runtime URL value, which then allowed Package and Deployment inside the SharePoint app to function properly.

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