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Recenlty had a deployment that deployed fine but when I checked the updated forms on the target server it did not have updated validation patterns for some of the fields.  (Using Smartforms 1.0.6/K2 5.6.7.)   I redeployed and had to set the action as "Overwrite Validation Pattern"  in order for it to be pushed to the target server.  Anyone encountered this before? It seems like it should pick up the change and create a new pattern or overwrite as a default.  Should we be creating new patterns instead of modifying the exisiting patterns? 

I'm currently having this same issue. Did you end up resolving this?



What I know and understand is that when you edit an existed pattern, you''ll have to overwrite it on the target machine through the package and deployment tool, it's not going to be overwritten automatically.

if you don't want to overwrite it, then you should create new pattern and deploy it on the target machine.

the default patterns are treated like the environment fields, K2 won't overwrite them unless you select to overwrite the existed patterns.


wish this helps
