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We are seeing an issue where PandD is holding excessive memory (~950MB) after deploying a package. The KSPX is about 13 MB with 300 - 400 objects so the memory use during deployment is not unexpected based on the architectural changes made during 4.6.9. However, and hour after the deployment completes it is still holding the memory allocated until either the MMC is closed or until another operation is selected in the MMC such as "Create New Package".

Screenshot of the memory consumption is in the attached Word Document. This was taken approximately an hour after I completed the deployment and was finishing up other configuration tasks and smoke testing. During Smoke testing in the QA environment we had horrible performance (pages taking ~10 times longer to load than normal) and after looking into this tracked it down to memory shortage on the machine, which PandD is to the top consumer when it should be in an idle state. If you notice at the bottom of the screenshot SQL has been pressured to release its memory down to ~150 MB, which is why perf dropped so significantly.

We can work around this by closing PandD after deployment, but wanted to get this logged to be fixed. The memory should be released as soon as the package deployment is complete.





Our labs team has linked the ticket to an existing TFS: K2HostServer.exe process hungry for memory.




The TFS item is aiming to have this addressed in 4.6.10

On the technical side of this fix we made changes to disposal as well as force the Garbage Collector to drop memory.

PandD cache can also have an effect here. If PandD cache is cleared before creating a package it should help a lot on memory usage.
To delete the cache file, navigate to the HostServer folder on the source server (C:ProgramData SourceCodeHostServer). Delete the HostServer folder and its contents



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