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I have a scenario where an activity is sent to role, this has 5 users, and the destination rule is configured ot resolve this role into users and thus create 5 slots. The business rule is that the activity will succeed when either 2 users approve the item or less than 2 approve and everyone else Declines. I thought this would be possible by configuring the outcomes to say:

Approve: At least 2 = Approved

Decline:  Count Action result = ActivityInstanceSlots
             At Most 1 of ActionResult = Approved

but the activity always completes after the first action, automatically expiring all other slots. Can anyone explain why this happens? 

Could the decline rule also be stated that if 3 or more people decline, it is declined?  Sometimes it helps understand the rules if you create a truth table on paper first, then formulate the rule expressions.  Another tip:  make sure you test the rules to make sure there is not a situation where a rule will never become true.

You would definitely want to modify the 2nd part of the Decline rule to be:

AtLeast 3 of ActionResult = Declined

