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In my development machine, I have an out of office user setting in workspace that just wont delete. I keep getting "Cannot delete the selected user's out of office setting as no settings exist. Which table is the out of office setting stored in so i can deelte it from the database directly.


Thanks in advance


Hi S0m3one,

I don't recommend this, you should be careful editing in K2 database because there are relations with other tables, 

the table  Server.Actioner, find the user and change it's status from 1 to NULL


I prefer you find the stored procedure that updates Actioners and pass it's ID so you update everything related to the record itself


I'm not sure what SP updates Actioners (out of office) record





Go to Server.Actioner and find the user, Change it's status from 1 or 2 to NULL

go to Server.ActionerShare Delete the record where ActionerID = ID in the Server.Actioner Table 

go to Server.ActionerShareWorkType Delete the record Where ActionerShareID = ID in the Server.ActionerShare table


wish this helps

Thanks for your help. That solved the issue. I appreciate you concern but this is development machine and i took a snapshot beofre making the changes.


I noticed that in the Server.Actioner table there are a lot of usernames that are incorrect as in the usernames do not exist or there are typo's in the names. Does this table just store anyone who has actioned a task? Where do yo get your database nforamtion form btw. Is there a document of have yo jsut gone though all the tables trying to figure out what they do.


Again thanks for the help.

Hi s0m3one,

Actually I know in what tables I should look first from the initial names, for example Forms.bla, View.bla, serve.bla


If i'm not wrong, the tables starts with SERVER points to the workflow processes and their configurations, so i start with those tables, If I can't find what table I am looking for I start with the tables I doubt, I added an out of the office user and checked the actioner, I noticed that it changes it's status, I saw other tables has Actioner name

and when you add out of the office user you will find records related to the user in those tables.


about the users in the Server.actioner table: I'm not really sure why or how they are saved in this table, Plus i don't think they are the users whose do actions on workflows, because I have most of the AD users in this table and some of them don't have anything related to any process I have.


I have no idea why you have incorrect usernames, If i figure out anything new I'll let you know.


If you haven't read THIS by now, I strongly recommend it

Thansk again for your reply.


Your method is good way of findng out. I will keep that in mind next time. Thank you also for the document link, i had not read that before. I can see that will come in handy soon.



hi there, i got similar problem - i cannot set any "out of office" settings for some users (i can save the form but the data is gone when i check if it was actually saved) and i cannot delete those users from K2 Workspace Management Console interface. The error message is "Cannot delete the selected user's Out of Office settings as no settings exist". The problem is soultion given above is not working :((
