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We are thinking of using the new "out of office" feature to support redirecting worklist items for out of office employess, but cannot count on them setting the out of office flag in person all the time.
Therefore we would like to know if there's programmatic access to this feature through K2 ROM or some other way. This way maybe we could create a method for an administrator to mark the user as being away and select the person to whom all the work would be redirected.

Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, Out-of-Office can ONLY be accessed from within 2003 Workspace - either from the user's own Worklist OR from another user's worklist set up as the manager of the out-of-office user. In other words, if an Administrative user is set up as the manager of all other users, he/she will have the capability of setting other user's Out-of-Office status from within his/her own Worklist. I do realize that this would not necessarily be a valid option.

Unfortunately no API exists to interact with the component but maybe something the development team can have a look at. I'll forward it as a future feature request.

I was playing around with the manager relationships and it seems that the worklist can only only display the direct manager's employees and not the employess that in turn report to those employees? Is this an expected behaviour or just a config problem on our AD side?
Expected behaviour.
Hi xlay

Ockert seems to be right in that there is no API to do this. If, however, you want to accept the risk that goes with it, you can update the SQL tables directly that keep the Out of Office info. Obviously, once you do this you will lose any support you might have had from K2 regarding the component and any errors will be your own to deal with. Not recommended, but I like to think there's always a way :)


I am will need to create customized form to specify out-of-office setting.
E.g. Set out-of-office setting for other users

How can I go about using this service?

Any plan to expose the API?

Any workaround?


I strongly recommend against the altering of any databases in the background, this can have a major negative impact on the behavior of the components. Having said that .
As Ockert mentioned in an earlier post Unfortunately, Out-of-Office can ONLY be accessed from within 2003 Workspace , we are aware of the need to expose the API s to developers and this will be considered for future updates on the component.
Oh, so is there any walkaround to this?

Any one has done something like this from scratch?? Will you be able to share your experience?


Is there some news on this API ?

My problem is that my company will change is active directory, so users will change domain. So we'll want to transfert all worklist to the right users on the new domain, and I think this component could help. Actually, we have too many users to do that one by one ...

Thanks !

Still no API for Out-Of-Office functionality. I also do not think that this component would be the best solution to your problem.

I would use the K2Mng object model to loop through all worklist items and redirect each item to the new user domain

Please refer to the Help file for sample code.

However for selecting this information it is safe to get it from the database directly?

Is the API going to be available in BlackPearl release?
However for selecting this information it is safe to get it from the database directly?
Never a good idea to interact directly with the db. You will loose your support.

Is the API going to be available in BlackPearl release?
No idea, we'll have to wait and see.


Can you follow up if this API can be in SP5?
Currently, we do not plan on an SP5 to be released. Having said that, it is not completely out of the question but I'm fairly confident that we will not build in new functionality at this stage. My suggestion would be to log this as a feature request for the new product release early 2007.

Best regards,
