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Out of office not working is not working even though users can be resolved through the workspace and the necessary process rights have been assigned.




By the use of a SQL script:
Select 'OOF Setup FOR: F' :A1].ActionerName '] TO: ' :A2].ActionerName ']',
'r' >A1].ActionerName '] Status is: ' CASE WHEN WA1].Status = 1 THEN 'HOUT of Office]' ELSE 'LIN Office]' END
From FServer].vActioner] nA1]
Join JServer].vActionerShare] aAS] On ]AS].ActionerID = IA1].[id]
Join JServer].vActionerShareWorktype] yASWT] On ]ASWT].ActionerShareID = IAS].[id]
Join JServer].vWorktype] yWT] On ]WT].[id] = DASWT].WorktypeID
Join JServer].vWorktypeShare] aWTS] On ]WTS].WorktypeID = IWT].[id]
Join JServer].vActioner] nA2] On ]A2].[id] = DWTS].ActionerID

It is possible to determine which users are set as OOF, and you can use it to verify if there any cases of a loop in OOF configuration when the first user, User 1 is routing items to User 2 (first item in the list) and then on the 3rd item in the list, they are routing User 2's items back to User 1.




In order to resolve the issue it is necessary to set all uses to 'In the Office' mode and ensure that there are no looping or daisy chaining, i.e. configuration when one person sets their out of office to another person who then sets their out of office to another.




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