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It may be necessary to have a feature that allows combining the Absence Information from Microsoft Exchange with the K2 Out of Office feature. You may wan to have this as a configurable setting out of the box or just looking for any other approach to set up a timeslot for the Out of Office function in K2.


Currently K2 does not have such functionality OOB and implementing this will require custom development.
There is a code example available, which allows to specify time range (start and end dates) for OOF:
However, these dates do not exposed in K2 Workspace GUI and it would be necessary to create GUI for those dates. Moreover, it will also require OOF enabled checkbox/status removal automation - as OOF flag does not being removed automatically after reaching the end date.

In case of integrating K2 OOF with Exchange OOF, you may investigate for possibility to pull OOF status from Exchange and set it in K2. But in such scenario you should take into account the fact that Exchange does not allow you to set to whom delegate your tasks, but you need this for K2 OOF. In addition, you may face some difficulties with retrieval all of the necessary information from Exchange server and this should be investigated additionally, depending on version of Exchange in use.


There is no such functionality in current version of K2. Implementing this requires custom development and related with possible difficulties described above.

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