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1. We try to setup out of office on the K2 Worklist but it does not forward assign task to the Worklist of specified user (
We can received notification to approve email (With link to open assign task) but when click on it, we got error message

Worklist item could not be opened. 24411 from is not
allowed to open the Worklist item with SN=1493_82

2. We cannot find some of required user from search field on the Out of office dialog, some users return only name, some have both name and last name.

(The system use SQLUM and have 1 AD user as K2Service)



User is using worklist control in SmartForms. There is a few cases where Out of Office is not working properly in worklist control and there is a coldfix for it. However, I am not sure if the issue still affects 4.6.10. I have only seen such cases in 4.6.9.

User eventually replied that they set their workflow activity destination to a group. There is a known Out of Office issue if a group has been set as the destination.


Out of office will not work if, in your workflow, you set your destination to a group.

Here is what you can do to workaround it:

1. Go to K2 Workspace > Management Console and create a new role

2. Add your destination group to the newly created role and save

3. Edit your workflow. Change your activity destination to the newly created role

Alternatively, in your workflow > activity > Destination rule options, select "Resolve all roles and groups to users"

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