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When editing a user's OOF configuration, configuration screen shows the user is in the office, but the splash page for out of office in workspace shows the user as out of office.

The first time through setting up Out of Office for a user, everything appears to set properly. Upon revisiting the configuration settings for the user a second time and making any changes, it appears to save, but the next time the configuration is looked at, all settings show as wiped. ie as if no users had been selected for forward destinations and shown as in office.


Ultimately, taking a look at the following tables in the K2 database throughout the various steps/method for setting up out of office for a user lead to discovery of near duplicate table entries.

The tables looked at:

A discrepancy was noted in the Server.Actioner table, both a user and a role setup with identical spelling existed. The user had a type of 1. The role a type of 2.

Further testing showed that after the first time of setting up Out of Office, subsequent setups or modifications were wiped out/not behaving properly as both the role and user entries were being modified on the backend.


Deleting out the entry for the role from the Server.Actioner table brought about normal function when configuring Out of Office.

As far as how these entries originated, no known cause was found. Presently, all the K2 user interfaces do not allow for setup of a role for out of office. Suspected culprit was a past corruption or manipulation of the server.actioner table.

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