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A seemingly orphaned escalation was firing off at regular intervals in conjunction with a given workflow


By design escalations are queued in the Server.Async table as soon as a the process containing them is started. Starting the workflow queued our escalation and we saw that it was Type 5 which indicates it was an escalation at the process level i.e. check the start node.



Remove the escalation from the start of the process.


In the Server.Asnyc table the Type column can be anything from 0 to 9 here is what each corresponds to

Empty = 0,
Escalation = 1,
StartActivity = 2,
WakeWorklistItem = 3,
DestQueueProcInst = 4,
ProcessEscalation = 5,
EventEscalation = 6,
WorkListShare = 7,
ProcRights = 8,
RunProcInst = 9

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