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Slow response times when an AD user that belongs to a lot of AD groups tries to open a worklistitem (in this case, more than 100).

Time needed for opening a worklisitem depends on connected user.
If a user is member of 102 groups, this action takes 1.5 s
If a user is member of 7 groups, this action takes 0.3 s.

We would like page displaying of our web application to not exceed 1s.


There were some performance enhancements made to the Identity cache since 4.6.5 (latest version 4.6.8 at time of writing).


After upgrading to 4.6.8, performance issues have been resolved.

Since 4.6.5 there have been a number of performance TFS items included into the product. Performance is an ongoing effort and with each release we strive to improve this as we release new versions. Keep in mind that there were a few improvements/changes made to the identity service that can also have an effect on performance - however performance is not only centralized to the identity service, it can be a wide variety of things, for instance SQL changes, web service changes and SmartObject changes etc.

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