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Is there a way to open a subform in a certain form state? I can't find this anywhere on Form Action. Let me re-word my scenario with examples and hopefully it will be clearer.

I have a main form, let's call this, Homepage Form. The Homepage Form has 2 buttons, one is to update existing record and the other is to create a new record. I want these 2 buttons to go to the same form as a subform.

The Update button should go to the subform on a default form state. The Create button should go to the same subform on a Create form state which has different rules attached to it.




I believe the Form State is designed to be used specifically with workflow. Please see



Try using “Hide a subform control” Action instead. Another work around would be to use “Navigate to another form” action. This action allow you to specify form state.




I have nearly the same setup except my create state also initiates a workflow.  I can make that state the default state and accomplish what I am trying to do, but I don't agree with the logic of the resolution.  If I can specify the state of a form when navigating to another form, I should also be able to specify the state of a form when opening it as a subform.
