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One of the events in our process which is calling a SmartObject that calls an update stored proc suddenly not working now. We tried to compare the settings from the SQL Service configuration from the SMO tester and the actual stored proc and permissions in our Dev environment but we see no difference. In Test Environment, the SmartObject returns an error when the event excutes it. The error is "Item not found in this collection".


Looking at the Service Object for this SQL service instance, we noticed that the "Execute" type method no longer show "Properties" and show "Parameters" as Required instead of showing up as Properties, Input, and Required when compared to another environment of the same version and service instance configuration. This behavior is consistent with the "Optional Parameters for SmartObjects" feature that was implemented in K2 blackpearl 4.6.5 as noted in:

This behavior occurred because a refresh of the service instance had occurred and the "Use parameters for stored procedures" = true was implemented if it had not been refreshed, the service instance will continue to use the previous behavior (equivalent to "Use parameters for stored procedures" = false).


As such, we changed the "Use parameters for stored procedures" = false and then refreshed the service instance again, this changed the service instance back to it default behavior prior to 4.6.5.

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