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This is my first post on this forum and i'm rather new to K2.

I'm currently working on a workflow in sharepoint where i want a % of the users designated to approve before the items move on.

The current options for K2 only show 1-20 and all, is there a way to get this transformed in a %? Like when there are 10 approvers i want atleast 80% = 8 but if the group of approvers decreases or increases, that number also goes up/down.


Ty in advance




This should be possible if you create an inline expression to represent the count of  approvers as a percentage. Please see the links below:




For Smartforms



I dont think K2 allows % of approval but I can thnik of one way of doing what you require.


What I would do is create an activity before that approval activity.

Here, I would get the list of users that you will be assigning the approval activity. Now count all the users and then calculate how many users would make however many percent needs approval. For example, if you have 10 users and need 60% approval , then that would calcualte to 6 users. Now write this number "6" in this example to a datafield, eg NoOfApproverCount.


Now on the actual approval activity, go to the properties of that activity an then on the Configure Outcomes section. In there, there should be actions for your approval activity. Click on the 'Approve'  action if you have an approve action. Then click edit. In the screen that will appear, it will show something like  "At Most 1 of Action Result = Approve". Change this by clicking on it and then in the Logical Data textbox replace the value with the data field NoOfApproverCount. which was calculated in the earlier activity. Now this means that in this case, if 6 people approve out of 10 then the activity will move on to the next step.


Hope that gives you some ideas.


Ty for the answers given, I'll give them a try!


